Explore Financing Before You Start Vehicle Shopping

Once you determine which dealership to get your next vehicle at, talk to them about their financing options before you start to browse the vehicles on the lot. This is especially important if you have bad credit because it allows them to look specifically for bad credit car loans that they may offer in house.

Know What You Qualify For

If your credit is not great, the dealership financing options could be more limited compared to a shopper with an excellent score. When you talk to the finance department first, they can run your information and crunch the numbers. This gives you a better look at the total loan amount you may be able to get. Once you know this, you can stick to looking at vehicles at this price or lower on the lot.

Clean Up Your Credit or Get a Cosigner

If your credit situation means that your financing options are a bit dim, you will know in advance if you should work on your credit before buying. It also lets you know if a cosigner could help you to get better terms and a larger loan amount.

Speed Up the Process

When you pick out a vehicle first, if you do not qualify for a loan large enough to cover it, you have to go back to square one. However, when you get your financing options first, you can work within the financing parameters that you qualify for, eliminating the possibility of not qualifying for the vehicle that you choose. So, you simply pick out one that works, finish the paperwork and drive off the lot.

When you get the financial stuff out of the way first, it makes shopping for a vehicle a bit less stressful. You will know what you are working with and if there are any limitations with factors, such as the loan size, as you are exploring the available vehicles.

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